Friday, August 17, 2012

Vacation Times: Part 2

On the second night after a day at the beach we ventured into the back shed, it was home to a lot of spiders, and this amazing bike that I claimed as my own! Rilo and I decided to go on a little adventure and man oh man! I need to get a bike, Rilo LOVED running alongside as I rode, I don't know if I ever saw her as excited or happy, ever...
In the background you can see Rilo, all perky and alert, after the ride she was fighting to stay awake for cereal times, I took the oppurtunity to make a little video called Rilo vs Sleep...

Sleep wins again!

 Pretty abandoned house

 Twisty trunks and bamboo shoots

 An old clothes line that felt familiar

 I don't know why I loved this house so much

 In the way back I saw this confession of love on one of the tree trunks on the property, I thought it was sweet

Some wild herbs out back

This will be the reason that our kids will have a tree swing, I forgot how fun these were.

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Thanks for sharing!