This week has a bit of a warm one for October, I'm calling it our Indian Summer, amidst the mounds of laundry and packing I captured a few bits of my week...
Korey and Monica at a BBQ
connections are one of those things you don't understand unless you
have it. It is a bond that is far greater than sharing blood relation.
Korey has been my rock when I needed and we've grown into having a
mutual respect and compassion for one another that is indestructible.
That said, I received a text from him after we hung up from our daily convo, we'd been
discussing philosophy and politics (Korey has his BA in philosophy and
is one of the few that used it by attending graduate school for public
policy and ethics, he is one of the smartest people I know). Anyways, we
we're talking about ones existence and while looking back at our
particularly "rough" childhood we discussed how it would be for one of
us with out having the other, after wrapping up, I received the following